Pets Lost and Found in Fannin County TX
Re-uniting animals who are missing, found or suspected of being lost or stolen with their families in Fannin County, TX. A volunteer public service of Fannin Animal Services Team and Fannin Animal Search and Rescue Team. Founder: Pat Ward
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Lost or abandoned south of Bonham

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Border Collie/Blue Heeler mix found near Elwood
by pmcclain@chsa@tachc.org
A smart, border collie/blue heeler mix came to my house near Elwood, June 26, 2010. He appears to be about 5 years old. He had a black rope around his neck but no collar. He will shake hands with you. He is very good with kids. He loves to run and play with other dogs. He needs a home. Please call 903-664-2689.
A smart, border collie/blue heeler mix came to my house near Elwood, June 26, 2010. He appears to be about 5 years old. He had a black rope around his neck but no collar. He will shake hands with you. He is very good with kids. He loves to run and play with other dogs. He needs a home. Please call 903-664-2689.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Owner of Huskie/Malamute found
Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Lakey for taking such good care of this elderly dog until its owner was located.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Husky with 2 collars seen near Bonham State Park or golf course on Hwy 82
This dog was first reported found on 4th of July near Bonham State Park. It is suspected that she ran from fireworks and lost her way home.
Described as sweet, calm, slight limp, cream and tan and wearing 2 collars but no tag.
Now we're hearing that a dog that looks similar to this one is being seen on US 82 near El Dorado Golf Course.
If anybody has any information about who the owner of this dog is, please contact Ann at 903-227-2739, or email ThinkFastHelp@aol.com.
Described as sweet, calm, slight limp, cream and tan and wearing 2 collars but no tag.
Now we're hearing that a dog that looks similar to this one is being seen on US 82 near El Dorado Golf Course.
If anybody has any information about who the owner of this dog is, please contact Ann at 903-227-2739, or email ThinkFastHelp@aol.com.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Lost Cairn Terrier - Lake Bonham area
LOST: wheaten colored with black tipped ears Cairn Terrier, named Dixie Belle. No collar. Missing since July 4th, 2010 from the North Park/CR 2605 area of Lake Bonham. If you've seen her, please call 903-583-3021 days or 903-583-8575 evenings.
email: jennie@netexas.net
email: jennie@netexas.net
Monday, July 5, 2010
REWARD now offered for lost Chow-mix Blondie
The owner of Blondie, the chow-mix missing since Memorial Day south of Honey Grove in the Dial community is now offering a $REWARD for any information leading to her recovery. See post below about BLONDIE.
Neutered male cat at Shumardii's
In a message dated 7/5/2010 4:35:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time, ThinkFASThelp@aol.com writes:
From: margaret@margaretashmore.com
To: ThinkFASThelp@aol.com
Sent: 7/5/2010 8:57:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Found Male Cat
Found – VERY sweet, neutered male cat at Schmardi's in Bonham two weeks ago. Call 940-367-3163 to identify.
From: margaret@margaretashmore.com
To: ThinkFASThelp@aol.com
Sent: 7/5/2010 8:57:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Found Male Cat
Found – VERY sweet, neutered male cat at Schmardi's in Bonham two weeks ago. Call 940-367-3163 to identify.
Dog with 2 collars found near Bonham State Park
She's calm, very sweet, and limping a little. Our theory is that she got scared with fire cracker popping all over.
We are trying to find her owner. She has no tags but 2 collars. She is cream and tan colors with 2 blue eyes.
Email to me if you know who this dog might belong to, please.
Thanks for your FAST help! .....Pat Ward
We are trying to find her owner. She has no tags but 2 collars. She is cream and tan colors with 2 blue eyes.
Email to me if you know who this dog might belong to, please.
Thanks for your FAST help! .....Pat Ward
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Blondie (chow-mix) may have been seen in Bonham TODAY
A dog fitting Blondie's description was seen in Bonham near I.W. Evans School, accompanied by a lab similar to one missing from Blondie's owner's area. Please watch for these two dogs traveling together and call Elaine immediately if sighted.
Please call 903 227-3432. Or email ccharles@texoma.net.
Please call 903 227-3432. Or email ccharles@texoma.net.
LOST: small b/w Shih-tzu in Pottsboro area
LAST SEEN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 2010, Missing from 1428 Hagerman Road, Pottsboro, Texas.
Small,13 pounds, black and white, mixed breed (Shih-tzu mix), neutered male. He is eleven years old
and needs medicine. He has had dental problems and has very few teeth left. He also has
allergies and his eyes water often. He was not wearing a collar but does have a mcirochip.
Please contact us any time day or night if you should find him or even if you have seen him!
214-673-6469 OR 214-763-5462 (Sarah Henderson)
Small,13 pounds, black and white, mixed breed (Shih-tzu mix), neutered male. He is eleven years old
and needs medicine. He has had dental problems and has very few teeth left. He also has
allergies and his eyes water often. He was not wearing a collar but does have a mcirochip.
Please contact us any time day or night if you should find him or even if you have seen him!
214-673-6469 OR 214-763-5462 (Sarah Henderson)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Poodle found at Hwy. 121/US 78 intersection north of Bonham
Found Poodle on highway78 north of Bonham by 121 & 78 intersection. Tick infested and lots of burs. Looks to be lost. May have been groomed about 2 months ago. Please help us find this dog’s home. Very smart, photo will be posted yesterdeay p.m. on facebook.
call 903-583-5239 or 903-227-2289. Or contact at rnr@texoma.net or Tina.fisher50@yahoo.com
call 903-583-5239 or 903-227-2289. Or contact at rnr@texoma.net or Tina.fisher50@yahoo.com
Monday, June 14, 2010
"Blondie" last on E FM 1550 south of Honey Grove at the Dial Community

Photo is before she was clipped. She has fuzzy hair and is solid golden/blonde, black nose, and brown eyes. Her hair on her body and around her face and neck has been clipped and she has a fluffy tail. But, she has to be groomed every other day to stay pretty. So, by now she probably has a lot of knots in her hair.
She was last seen at E FM 1550 south of Honey Grove, TX at the Dial Community. We do not know what direction she went. She has always come home before. If you have seen her at anytime since May 31st or know where she might be, please let us know we will come get her as she may be struggling to get home. She is loved and missed very much. Blondie is very much a part of our family. Please call 903 227-3432. Or email ccharles@texoma.net.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Found - South Shore Drive - Lake Bonham
Showed up today (5-27-10), lost or abandoned. Can't keep it. If this is your dog, or you know who it belongs to, contact jwhitlock2009@live.com or call 903-583-2284. Very friendly, needs to go back to its family.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Yellow lab, lost in Mulberry area (north Fannin County)
LOST IN MULBERRY AREA: Yellow Lab Female blue collar, about 1 yr old, gun shy and probably scared. Answers to name: Emma.
Last seen in the Mulberry area headed East towards 78 or possibly towards the Ravenna area. if seen email rrvf@live.com
Last seen in the Mulberry area headed East towards 78 or possibly towards the Ravenna area. if seen email rrvf@live.com
Saturday, May 1, 2010
$100 REWARD: Yorkie missing north of Lake Bonham
Apr 29, 2010 -->
A $100$ reward is being offered for the return of a Yorkie, a very small black and tan, 2-1/2 year old neutered male dog weighing approximately 5 pounds, missing from his home on CR 2605 since April 22.
He answers to the name Stoney. He is wearing a brown leather collar with a blue tag. His family is devastated and searching frantically.
If you have any information, please call 903-583-4908 and 801-574-4882 or email rachaelmcc@juno.com. If you have friends or family who live in that area, please alert them to help find Stoney.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Little Jack Russell (Zoey) with a heart
If you have any information about Zoey's whereabouts, email to Dottie Rutledge at
drutledg@mckinneytexas.org. Zoey was her baby and she misses her terribly.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Lost White & Brown Chihuahua - Duplex/Lake Fannin area

Sometime Friday night my son's chihuahua "Min-mei" (pronounced Men May) apparently climbed (or flew, she's an escape artist) out of her pen. When we went to get her to bring her in for the night she was long gone. We've been searching everywhere, and hope someone might have found her or even spotted her. I'm willing to travel to retrieve her and will follow any lead you can provide.
Min-mei is a middle aged dog; long and lean, quite large for a chihuahua. She is white with brown spots, friendly and easily approachable. Min should have on a green collar, but has been known to ditch it. Perhaps she likes going incognito. She has missing teeth as she's a rescue from a puppy mill, and didn't have an easy life there. Answers to both "Min-mei" and "Minnie". Or the sound of dog food rattling in a can. She's mercenary that way.
If you've seen her, and could give me a road or directions where she might be heading, I would be so grateful. My son is despondent at her absence. Call me (Becca) at 903-664-4566.
Please leave a message if I don't answer.Thank you for any help you can offer."Anyhoo, I want to thank you for offering this service. It's very generous. It's so bizarre that she would leave like this. Ironically she left while I was out knocking on doors trying to find a lost terrier's home. Luckily for him I was successful. I can only hope someone finds Min-Mei as well.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Elvis is missing - white cat with orange markings
My beautiful white cat with orange markings has been missing...he has a heartshaped orange spot on his left side when he sits or lays a certain way. His name is Elvis, he was given to me by a great friend, who died shortly after giving him to me. We are on Hwy. 78 near Sand Creek in Bonham. PLEASE help us find Elvis! Thank you,
Debra Walden walden_debra@yahoo.com
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Lost female found on CR4725 near FM 1553

judymhanson@earthlink.net writes:
A brindle female, ears and tail not docked.
She was found on CR 4725, about ¼ mile west of FM 1553. FM 1553 runs north from Hwy 78 in Leonard and CR 4725 is 1.8 miles north of the intersection of 78 and 1553.
The area is about 3 miles from the Leonard square
She’s in pretty good shape, sleek and in reasonable flesh. I have her at my house now and she appears to be well trained and has good manners. But SHE WANTS TO GO TO HER HOUSE!
We need that decent shelter in Bonham so much !!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Found on Hwy., 274, 1/2 mi. west of Hwy. 78

Today, Wed. Mar 17, found a dog that appears to be lost. It was wandering on Hwy. 274, 1/2 mile west of Hwy. 78. It's a beautiful tan and white collie looking dog and looks to be about 5 years old. I brought it home with me and am hoping I can locate its owners. I live in Ravenna. It is in good condition, was not wearing a collar.
email: dnmbelk@hughes.net
Monday, March 15, 2010
Daisy the dachshund is at home!!
Pat, we just found Daisy!!! She is safe and sound but emotionally she's very droopy and depressed looking. She was across the highway from the TAPS ofc in like a junkyard. Just wanted to let you know some good news for a change. And to thank you for all your help. Praise God! We are sooooo happy.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Daisy stolen Fri Mar 12 at Natedog Fitness Gym - REWARD

Our little weenie dog was stolen out of our car at the Natedog Fitness Gym in Bonham (beside the Chinese restaurant) on Friday, March 12th between 11:00 and 12:00 a.m. Our car was locked with the windows cracked and they managed to unlock the car, take the dog, then lock the car back.
Our little dog is a red-brown female dachshund, 8 years old and has always been in our family. I know she is terrified wherever she is as she is never away from us. Her name is Daisy. She was not wearing her collar that day.
Whoever took her please find a way to get her back to us. We are offering a $50 reward, no questions asked. We live in Ravenna and our phone number is 903 640 4533; 903 227 2832.
Thank you very much,
Marlene Belk
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Update on Old, lost, scared!! The happy ending!
The little dog’s name is CoCo, and he is on his way home, as we speak. A neighbor of his owners saw the flyer at the post office. They called, and came right out to get him. They said they talked to the police, and drove around looking for him with no luck. (I know that feeling)
If you can imagine a dog saying “Whew !” while wiping his brow, that’s what the relief in Coco’s eyes reminded me of. A totally different dog ..happy, unworried and relieved.
I might add that they had a big ginger cat in the car with them that Coco was also glad to see.
Thanks to each and all for your support and suggestions.
Wish more lost dog stories could end so well !!
Now I’ll go retrieve my flyers… (with a happy heart)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Old, lost and scared. Can't find his way home.

Email me at: judymhanson@earthlink.net
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Missing, owner needs closure, offers reward

Piglet (left) is a pit mix and weighs about 70 lbs when she's healthy, but if she hasn't been finding food, she can get down to 30, which is what she weighed when I found her. Jimmie (right) is around 100 lbs. If anyone finds them, I'm offering areward. I'd even like information if someone knows anything, just to know. Please email or call with any info. vswartzentruber@gmail.comor (317) 966-5985. Thanks.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Injured puppy found on 1553 near Grove Hill Cem.

Monday, February 8, 2010
Schnauzer found in Bonham 2-8-2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Missing 1-26-10, name is Ginny REWARD

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
For Percy Ayer
The message you sent came out in another language. Please email me direct at Ivanhoe10903@aol.com (in English, please).... Pat Ward
Friday, January 1, 2010
Pet kid goat missing from S. 6th St. in Bonham
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Blue Heeler mix Pup Found on Xmas Eve
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Lost red standard dachshund in Bonham, medical problems
4 year old red dachshund recently hospitalized with severe heart worms, gum infection, underweight. She is on antibiotics and steroids. She was spayed last week.
She is a dog rescued from the Commerce SPCA by some kind people in Bonham who live in the L.H. Rather Jr. High School area. Last seen wearing a leopard collar and purple leash.
The foster family fears that if she was stolen, the people who took her will have no idea how sick she is or be willing to spend the money for her medications and heartworm treatments. THEY WANT HER BACK ASAP to continue her life-saving treatments.
If you have seen this dog, call any of the following three telephone numbers:
Friday, December 18, 2009
abandoned by renters - 2 puppies
Two really sweet young dogs have been left behind when the renters across the street left. 8-(I think they are less than 4 months old. One is black & white, short haired and 20 pounds. The other is golden colored and has a face like a miniture german shepherd! No kidding. I'm guessing its 10- 15 pounds. They are so cute together but will die on this busy road if someone can't love them soon. They are cold, hungry and looking for their people. Can you help?
Contact: mb_watson@yahoo.com
Monday, December 7, 2009
$$$$ - REWARD: Lost male poodle/Shih-Tzu

Lost and need help getting home!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
the Lab mix and the shaggy dog on FM 1553
How anybody can abandon happy-go-lucky, super friendly Lab mix and a sweet little dog that could be a double for The Shaggy Dog Story, is a mystery. But somebody did, and these two paired up to find themselves a drink of fresh water and some much needed food yesterday (11-19-09) on FM 1553. If only they could talk!!
If either of these dogs belong to you, or if you know whose dogs they are, please contact me at acl@heademup.com or call me at 903-587-1702
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Red Heeler (Buddy) found through his rabies tag
I'm always happy to report that a lost animal has found its way home. The person who found Buddy took the time to call a vet and locate Buddy's owner to return him to their loving arms. Wearing collars with tags is worth the effort.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Dog at Pecan Place needs help finding his family
Friday, November 6, 2009
Red Heeler LOST near US 78 @ CR1550
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Found: Male yellow Lab on FM 273 N of Ivanhoe

Male yellow Lab appears to be between 2-3 years old and healthy but very thin. Found him on the road this morning on FM 273 about 1/2 way between Ivanhoe store and the Lake Fannin turn-off. He has a brown leather collar but no tags or name plate. We have two Labs of our own and won't be able to keep this good looking boy for more than a few days. Please give me a call Jim Belmont at 903 583-8384 or email me at
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Female Shepherd Mix FOUND
Monday, October 26, 2009
Little Sheltie is scared and needs help getting home
I have a missing Sheltie - actually in Hunt county, but in case he makes his way up into Fannin County, I'm trying to get the word out everywhere I can. I was actually dog sitting so I don't have a photo. I had only had the animal 24 hours. I was working on a farm in Celeste, and after four hours of staying close by, one of the sheltie's I'm watching took off. He's medium size, if I had to guess, about 35 pounds. He has a dark face and dark fur down his back, but otherwise looks like Lassie. He answers to the name of Rennie, but he is shy and skittish. He was last spotted on 1089 in Hunt County Saturday night 10:30pm (I was there and called him but he wouldn't even come to me - he took off into the darkness). If anyone thinks they may have spotted him or found him, I can be contacted at librariansunshine@yahoo.com or 903-813-2559. Thanks.
Monday, October 19, 2009
large black/white dog with pink collar

I'm lost...and trying to find my owner!By media releaseOct 19, 2009 -->NTXe-news.com
I was found running down the road in front of Doris Shockley’s State Farm office at 2228 N Center St. One of the girls has taken me home for the weekend to make sure I’m safe.
Mom – Dad, if y'all are looking for me please call 903-436-3116 or 903-583-9484.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
FOUND: Black lab/schnauzer puppy 4-6 mo old
Monday afternoon Oct. 12, a lost puppy showed up at our home in South Bonham. We can't tell if she's lost or abandoned but, we do know that we can't keep her. We have six beagles right now. Anyway, I heard about your web site and thought I'd give it a try. I put a sign up at the Bonham Vet Clinic and am going to place an ad in the Fannin Co. Journal paper too.
She looks to be a Black Lab/Schnauzer mix about 4-6 months old. She is very cute and friendly. Looks like a lab with a beard, if you know what I mean. Anyway, please help us to find her original home or just another good home.
Thank you for all you do for our wonderful animal friends!
Tracy Robertson
please leave message if no answer
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sgt Major has been FOUND!
Happy dog! Happy and thankful family! Thanks to everyone who helped find him!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sgt Major missing in action - please help find him

Friday, October 2, 2009
cats lost - Carpenter Loop - Bonham
Please help. We live on Carpenter Loop in Bonham, Texas. We have loss 2 cats & our neighbor has also loss her cat. These 3 cats were not docile to strangers. They would be caught in traps. These cats were female sprayed black female with 1 back leg that was slow. Tabby male cat, with big feet & a yellow male cat. These cats did not like strangers. We believe they must have been trapped, on our street, Carpenter Loop. These cats were not taken all at once. If anyone knows, who maybe trapping cats, please call me!! Thank you..... Vicky Cassady
102 Carpenter Loop
Bonham, Texas 75418
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Another dog abandoned in Leonard

Last night, (09/28/09) a coward driving a truck abandoned a dog on FM 1553 near Leonard. Unfortunately, it was already dark and the truck drove away so fast back down 1553 that I couldn't identify it. This dog is a large male black and white. If anyone knows who might have dumped her off you can contact me (Ivanhoe10903@aol.com).
Monday, September 21, 2009
FOUND - male "bird dog" on Hwy. 78 N
Appeared on Sat. Sept. 5th on Hwy. 78 North (of Bonham). male "bird dog" wearing a collar but no tag or ID. Dog is white with brown. call 903-583-7893
LOST - in the Mulberry area REWARD OFFERED

Short Springer Spaniel Mostly white with light brown to copper color spots. White line from nose back between the eyes, has pink camo collar and short stubby tail. Last seen in the Mulberry area, she short and runs alot. Reward if found. Reply to this post or email rrvf@live.com for more info or pics.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sighted in Bonham - black chihuahua
Small Black Chihuahua with white paws and white on tip of tail sighted at coener of W. 8th Street and N. Main in Bonham, Texas. Has no Collar. Owners need to find him and get him out of danger from traffic, other loose dogs and roaming pedestrians before he gets hurt or killed.
Monday, August 31, 2009
FOUND - at Ivanhoe/Lamasco crossroads

(FMs 1396 and 273), at around 10 pm one night during the week of Aug. 11-14. Not sure which night it was. She is around a year old and a white female, bull or boxer cross. Small-medium size
- like a large schnauzer size or very small lab size. VERY people friendly. Aggressive to other dogs at feeding time only. Otherwise okay. Follows me everywhere and wants lots of petting and love. MUST find a home. Have too many dogs/cats already. Contact Lisa Avila at taranfolt@dishmail.net.

young Yellow Lab with collar - FOUND in Ector
Young yellow lab pup wearing a collar found in Ector. If this is your dog, please contact Louise Gandert at lmgandert@aol.com
or call 903-961-2673

This pup hung around the Ector Post Office for a couple of days before wandering into the Gandert yard. She canNOT keep him.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Beautiful Chow at the Hannah's Horseshoe's arena

Intact male Chow showed up at the Hannah's Horseshoes of Hope arena. The farm manager's daughter has befriended him and he is now very "protective" of her. He MUST go home or find another home before the students start arriving in September for classes.
Contact Janice Mills at 903-664-3062, 903-647-2074 or at the HHH farm 903-640-9106.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Lost dog "adopts" Bonham Journal office
Brown tri-color Australian Shepherd 3 mos. old
LOST! Brown Tri-color Australian Shepherd 3 months old. Answers to the name "Cowboy." Last seen on Center St. somewhere between McDonald's and Russell Street in Bonham. He was only out of our sight for about 10 minutes, I know someone picked him up.
PLEASE call us and return him, no questions asked, and reward will be paid.
903-718-1068 0r 903-718-1098Steve and Dallas Wright dnwrn@yahoo.com
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Minature Dachhound posted below has been found
Offering a $100 reward by way of a sign in her front yard gave the person who took her dog the incentive to return it. Sadly, for some people, money means more than the safety of little pets and owners who grieve when they are lost. One has to wonder what kind of life the puppy would have had with people like that. Glad he's home, Lori......... Pat
Beautiful Malamut-looking dog found at Bonham Journal office
This dog wandered in to the Bonham Journal office on North Center Street today. He appears healthy, and he is friendly. There is no collar and no evidence of him having had one on lately. If this is your dog, please claim him!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Missing Great Pyranese - Bonham
CHLOE has on a blue collar (although she is female) with a tag, There is a huge dark spot on her back and she went missing sometime after 9pm last night from my yard at 1004 S 6th St. Dr Jerome's phone # is on her tag or call me @ 972.838.8356.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Penny has been found!!
The black and white dog lost on July 4th has been found!! Hallelulah!! Another happy dog!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Pom puppy lost, Oak at 11th Street, Bonham

We lost our Pomeranian puppy today. It is beige and maybe weights 2 lbs. Missing from Oak Street @ 11th Street in Bonham.
Please contact RKenee Slayter at rgbs_2000@yahoo.com if you have see this puppy.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Min. dachshound pup - Reward! - Cedar at 12th - Bonham
Lost Puppy - Bitsy Bit: 3 month old minature dachshound - redish brown - dapple: Blue collar with pink and black woven in and a small bell on the collar. Reward for return. Cedar St and 12th in Bonham. Call Lori 903-227-0302
This puppy was reportedly last seen walking with some young boys who were playing with her on Cedar Street. One of the boys was seen picking her up. If you know of a family in that area (west side Bonham) who has a "new puppy", please contact the family and tell them who the puppy belongs to and that there is as $100 reward for her return. Or contact Lori Massey at the number above and she will be happy to contact the family herself.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Brandy is back home
Brandy has been found and is safely back home with her family! Life is good!! Here is what her owners wrote:
Brandy has been found! Thank You So Much for the posting! We Love You SO MUCH!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Missing 3-legged terrier between VPG and Ector Baseball Park

Miranda and Tony have lost their 3 legged terrier mix.... Her name is Brandy and she is white with brown spots. She is missing her front right leg. She went missing Monday night June 15th 2009 around midnight. She went missing between the VPG fertilizer plant and The Ector Baseball park on county road 1525...
If found please contact Tony at 903-227-3095 and Miranda at 903-718-0844
I have attatched a picture of Brandy...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Pointer/German mix found Hwy 11 @ CR 4310 near Whitewright
Found: possible Pointer-German dog, female on June 14, in the area of Highway 11 and CR 4310, 4 miles east of Whitewright. She is white with grayish brown head covering and face. She looks like she had a liter maybe 6-8 weeks ago. Friendly but very skinny. Please contact us at 903-364-1101
Thursday, June 11, 2009
update and final report on chocolate lab found in Bonham
This is a message from Mary K. Davis of Bonham where the chocolate lab took refuge. How merciful God is to have sent this dog to Mary, one of Bonham's unsung Animal Angels:
In a message dated 6/11/2009 1:57:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, melkdav@gmail.com writes:
My grandson Jarod and I took turns last night keeping her company, but by 3am we couldn't stay awake, and she was resting comfortably. we both went to bed. I was up again just before 8. When I went in to check on her, the entire floor of our laundry room was soaked with her blood. We cleaned her up and and the laundry room so our other dogs could go out to do their morning business. We through some clothes on and put her in our station wagon and headed for Ardmore, OK to Dr. Freida's. This loving and beautiful old dog had terminal cancer that had invaded her entire GI track. She was severely anemic due to the blood loss. She could no longer eat. We bid her farewell and petted her until her spirit left her body. We had a funeral for her and buried her in our side yard, entrusting her soul to the Piper at the Gates of Dawn and Artemis, Patroness of all good dogs. I only knew her for 14 hours, but her loss is terrible. I so wish I had known her in her full health and joy. I am so glad she found us at the last. She did not deserve to be turned out into the storm to die alone. Mary
Bonham - emergency alert - chocolate lab found
During the storm 2 nights ago, a female chocolate lab wearing a leather collar (no tag) took shelter on the front porch of a lady's house, running inside the moment someone in the house opened the door. She appears to be an elderly dog with grey around her mouth and chin and obviously someone's cherished pet. This morning she appears to be ill and the rescuer stayed up with her all night to care for her. However, the owner of this dog needs to claim her and get vet care for her. If this is your dog, or if you know who owns a dog like this in Bonham, please respond so I can put you in touch with the rescuer
Friday, May 29, 2009
yellow lab shot in the leg, but rescued
Just spoke with a coworker who lives on 1553; he had both of these dogs come onto his property and has "adopted" the yellow lab. It had, in fact, been shot in the leg and he has already taken it to the vet for a lengthy treatment yesterday as the bone is broken in several places from the gunshot. My coworker assumes that the black dog has been in the wild a lot longer than the lab as he is unapproachable although he keeps showing up on my friend's property to eat food left for him. Just wanted to let you all know that the lab is out of harm's way.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Texas Penal Code, Title 9, Chapter 42 shooting and poisoning animals
It is a state jail felony for your neighbor if she is convicted of shooting or poisoning animals that don't belong to her. I just today attended a seminar in Longview presented by the Texas Dept. of State Health Services and the Longview Animal Control agency where these civil and penal codes were explained, followed by a mock trial: Interesting and workable if victims (owners of the animals) are willing to document it and report it. Outside of the city limits, the charge can be taken to the Sheriff's Department. If you take a copy of the law being violated to the Sheriff, he is obligated to pursue it. When the case goes to trial, it will be The People (not the individual filing the complaint) vs Mrs. Xxx. That individual serves as a witness for the prosecution. So what are we waiting for? Even if it takes 2 years to get into the court, it is on her record that she has been charged for a state jail felony and is awaiting trial. Imagine trying to get a job, apply for insurance, or buy a car with that on your record.
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