Sometime Friday night my son's chihuahua "Min-mei" (pronounced Men May) apparently climbed (or flew, she's an escape artist) out of her pen. When we went to get her to bring her in for the night she was long gone. We've been searching everywhere, and hope someone might have found her or even spotted her. I'm willing to travel to retrieve her and will follow any lead you can provide.
Min-mei is a middle aged dog; long and lean, quite large for a chihuahua. She is white with brown spots, friendly and easily approachable. Min should have on a green collar, but has been known to ditch it. Perhaps she likes going incognito. She has missing teeth as she's a rescue from a puppy mill, and didn't have an easy life there. Answers to both "Min-mei" and "Minnie". Or the sound of dog food rattling in a can. She's mercenary that way.
If you've seen her, and could give me a road or directions where she might be heading, I would be so grateful. My son is despondent at her absence. Call me (Becca) at 903-664-4566.
Please leave a message if I don't answer.Thank you for any help you can offer."Anyhoo, I want to thank you for offering this service. It's very generous. It's so bizarre that she would leave like this. Ironically she left while I was out knocking on doors trying to find a lost terrier's home. Luckily for him I was successful. I can only hope someone finds Min-Mei as well.